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6 pack on ICE

For those that don't know I used to write for various MMA sites. You know, UFC anyway, I had this feature where I did interviews with the fighters. I called it 6 pack on ICE. I came up with six questions, ones that weren't asked to them by every other journalist. It was fun, it was easy. The fighters loved it, my last question actually got so big, who would win in a fight the TMNT or the Power Rangers, that it was asked on a few different radios shows.

So recently I had an itch to interview again. Well here we go. My first interview is with R.J. Rouge. A fellow GenZ writer who has a book coming out on April 1st. It is called EVANESCENCE and it is the first book in a three part series. If you want to know more check out RJ on:



We sat down, on FB, and got to the nitty gritty of what makes RJ tick.

C: When writing, do you prefer seclusion, or a packed house?

R: . I prefer seclusion. It helps me focus more, but I wouldn't mind if I was in a packed setting. I've tried to force myself to get comfortable writing anywhere so I can still be productive and not always expect that when I want writing done, I'll be to myself. With seclusion, I'm more likely able to really crack down on writing because I won't feel as though someone is standing over my shoulder. Maybe I should have my back to the wall instead of facing it haha. So maybe a few adjustments to my writing area would make me more comfortable when writing in a packed setting.

C:Follow up, Do you listen to music/tv or does it have to be quiet?

R: I prefer music. I have a big playlist that I listen to as I write. Anything from Purity Ring to Alina Baraz to Grimes and any playlist by YouTuber Utopian Sounds who makes a lot of peaceful and relaxing music instrumentals for writing and mental stimulation

C: hmm, I usually go with the normal "drive music". Maybe I need to calm it down when I sit down to write. :) Ok next question, what do you like to do when not writing?

R:When I'm not writing, I like to dance; breakdance. I also read, obviously haha, and I also like to watch television shows such as American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, and a couple anime shows such as Naruto and Attack On Titan.

C: Follow up, Has breakdancing really changed in the last 30+ years?

R: It sure has. There are new moves, styles, and levels of talent over just the past few years. Breakdancing (more accurate term: Bboying) is constantly evolving. The culture itself is sacred to Bboys. It's not about the moves or about who is on top (for some Bboys that is). It's about the love of the culture. Of Bboying. Of Hiphop. For a lot of Bboys, and Bgirls, it is their life. It's what they do and it's who they are. For some, it's even all they have. ( yes I was nodding my head in amazing as I typed this) I had no idea. :)

C: How much of what you write came from a real life experience? Example?

R: Much of my life bleeds through my work. In my debut novel, Evanescence, my main character, Evan, always asks about who he is as a person, feels lost, and is constantly searching for answers about his life. There came I time I, too, was searching for answers about myself and wondering who I am as a person. I learned Evan was like me. It wasn't on purpose it kind of just-- happened. I still have a short story called "Psalms" about a boy who died in a tragic hit and run accident and spends his time in the afterlife watching as people mourn over him. In the story, he knew who killed him and wants to seek revenge, but receives counsel from a "spirit" who tries to teach him about forgiveness so he can past onto the afterlife.. I've struggled with forgiving those who hurt me. Holding grudges was common for me, but I learned to overcome that and instead of acting on these grudges, I found counsel in writing.

C: So you're the Taylor Swift of writing? :) Next up, Who is your favorite book character? One from your books, and one from someone elses book.

R: My favorite character from one of my own books is Cedric (Evanescence). He is an example of someone who is a hero in their own story, but a villain in someone else's. He feels no one understands or cares about him, and because of that, he ostracizes himself. He's mysterious, but his story is quite sad and lonely... From someone else's work, my favorite character is Tris from The Divergent Series. Her character changes from being a "Stiff" to someone of great courage and integrity.

C: Man I love Tris. She fights for what is right, no matter the consequence. And she has grown so much from the beginning until now. Question six, I need a book character for each, preferably different ones, If real what character would you, have a drink with, sleep with, and which would you push off a balcony?

R: A character I would have a drink with is Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series. Sleep with hahaha, I'd sayyy, Anastasia Steele of Fifty Shades of Grey series. Push off a balcony, hmmm, Bella Swan from Twilight. I love Twilight, but... She should've been with Jacob Black of the wolf pack.

C: WOW, fantastic answers. You have set the bar very high for the next interview. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule. I for one can't wait for EVANESCENCE.

Stay tuned for the next interview, coming soon.

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