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6 pack with Leanne

Today’s 6 pack on ICE is with fellow GenZ author Leanne Rathbone. Her book Grace, the first of a trilogy, is set for debut on April 15th. Grace is a story of love, loss, friendship and discovering how one’s fate can shape existence and how the lust for power can destroy it all.

1. What author/book influenced you to become a writer?

1. My Grandad had a massive three book poetry anthology and I always used to read The Walrus and the Carpenter from it. It made me want to write…so I did. Poetry at first but then I wrote short stories, which evolved into full stories.

2. How much of what you write is a real life experience?

2. The emotions and the tension that I write always comes from my experiences, especially the experiences of my teenage years where hormones were running high...I think that relating to that when writing makes it easier for me to write for my teenage audience, at least for The Revelations Series. I do have another work of fiction that isn’t quite complete and is something completely different. That is almost totally autobiographical, everything apart from the ending is stuff that I have been through.

3. Favorite book character, one from your book and one from a different authors book?

3. My favorite character from my book would have to be Mia...she's funny, she's sassy and she has some attitude. She tends to be the one that brings the comedy. Not going to give anything away but she does play a big part in the series. And my favorite character from another book...god that's a tough one because there are so many. One of my favorite would probably be Dimitri Belikov from The Vampire Academy series, I love how kick ass he he's just dreamy.

4. Dreamy is always a good thing. When writing, do you prefer seclusion, or a packed house?

4. I prefer seclusion. I am probably just a little too easily distracted so if there is tons of noise or even if there is something interesting on the TV in the background my writing really suffers. In my early edits I can actually tell the parts where I have written during the day around the kids and the parts where I have locked myself away in my room at night...guess which is better heehee

Me: Ha, maybe I should try writing without music?

Leanne: lol it always amazes me, like when I see R.J put things about his soundtrack when writing, because if I have music on I am far too distracted and find myself typing the lyrics instead of writing. I think my perfect place to write would be by the sea. The sound of the ocean always calms and clears my mind, don't really know why.

5. Water does produce a beautiful melody. If you could spend the day with a book character, who would it be and what would you do?

5. If I could spend the day with any book character it would probably have to be Aslan...I loved all the Narnia books growing up. I'd want him to take me to Cair Paravel so I could see the four thrones and overlook the giant ocean.

6. There’s that water again. I need a different character for each, who would you like to have a beer with, sleep with and push off a balcony?

6. I'd want a beer with Mr. Darcy because I would love to get such a proper gentleman drunk! Push off a balcony would probably have to be Bella Swan...I love the Twilight books but there are parts where I just wanted to smack Bella upside her head and lastly...I think I would want to sleep with Peeta Mellark...I love the character, he's not perfect but the way he is always in the background trying to save Katniss makes me smile.

C: ha you’re the second person to want to push her off a balcony.

L: Am I?? Who else said her lol

C: RJ, he says she should have been with Jacob

L: omg yes!!! I remember reading he had put that!! Traitor!! lol

C: Sparkling vampires should never get the girl.

L: lmao I admit that one part was ridiculous but Edward as a character is beautiful, I totally fell in love with him. Jacob was a brat, a pushy brat at that lol. But if I was to pick a favorite vampire who should always get the girl it would be Eric Northman lol bad boys are hot.

C: Bad boys do have it going on.

On that note I should probably just say thank you to Leanne. This was fun. If you want to reach her on social media just click the links below.



and her website:

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